Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Whole Town Went Out to Meet Jesus

Dear Readers:

The facts are clear. The Bible gives numerous examples of groups of people gathering near to Jesus. Matthew 8:34 states that even a “…whole town went out to meet Jesus.” Wherever he went there were people scurrying to get close to him.

What was it about him that drew them? Was it his charisma and charm? Was it because of his great leadership skills? Was it due to having great oratory skills in which his words almost came alive?

Another question: Why aren’t people drawn to Jesus now? Why is there limited or no excitement, or buzz if you will, to draw near to Jesus?

I can just hear a person back in Bible times who went to a friend’s home and stated, “Jesus is out on the hillside, let’s go up to hear him. Maybe he’ll perform a miracle. Maybe he’ll let the Pharisees have a piece of his mind. I’m not sure what it is, but there's something different about him. Let’s go up there to see him!”

Where then is the disconnection now? And how can the connection be reestablished? Jesus was crucified, lay in the tomb, and rose after three days. He then went into heaven in the sight of his disciples. Is this where the “buzz” over him ended?

There seems to be excitement over him after that by the disciples explained in the book of Acts when they got together to talk about their experiences with Jesus over what he said and did, and the fact that he truly was the Son of God. And who can ever forget the “tongues of fire” in Acts 2:3 and where “They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts.” Acts 2:46. Don’t these verses just make you wish you would have been there?

Do we need charismatic leaders or great orators to bring us out of our doldrums? Or do we need ordinary folks like you and me to understand who Jesus is, to draw spiritually very close to him, and to accept the power of the Holy Spirit promised in Acts 1:8 to spread the good news of Jesus to all those around us?

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

See you next time,


Joanne Sher said...

Great thoughts, Arlen! May I be one of those "ordinary people." said...

Thanks for your comment Jo. When we go through tough times, and we all do, Jesus is one person who will never let us down.

Nancy K. Sullivan said...

So well put, Arlen. Oh the difference we could make if we would really embrace the Power behind the our faith! Thanks for leading us to this great post, Joanne. said...

Thanks Nancy for your comment. I'm still in the growing stage in embracing what power is available to us through His Holy Spirit.